Feeling like your career isn’t advancing the way it should? It’ll be okay. Everyone we’ve interviewed has felt what you’re feeling. Even Fortune 500 CEOs. Don’t believe me? Only one way to find out: Tune in! This podcast is for the go-getters, the ambitious, the confident. (This podcast is for you especially if you’re in sales or marketing).
Siemens CEO (USA): Barbara Humpton
In this episode, we sit down with Barbara Humpton. Barbara grew up to parents who were both math professors so initially set her eyes on being a math professor “when she grew up.” After taking a job at IBM and working on a globally impactful project, she was hooked into the world of working on impactful technology to make our world a better place.
I won’t give too much away before you listen, but if you decide to listen to the entire episode you will get to hear:
- Some of Barbara’s formative experiences that empowered her career journey
- Barbara’s advice for you if you’re thinking about changing jobs or making a career pivot
- Her take on the federal government’s latest initiative to increase manufacturing in the United States
- What she would tell her younger self