
Zillow Former CEO & Co-Founder: Spencer Rascoff

Today's guest is Spencer Rascoff. If you're reading this you probably know who Spencer is, but in case you don't, he most known for co-founding Zillow Group and was the CEO for a long time before stepping down in 2019 to focus on his new ventures dot.LA and Pacaso. In his first startup experience, Spencer co-founded an online travel company called Hotwire which later sold to Expedia in 2003. After working at Expedia for some time he felt the need for a change and started Zillow with other ex-Expedia employees. He is the co-author of "Zillow Talk: Rewriting the rules of real estate" and the host of two podcasts "Office Hours" and "Dad I have a question." In this conversation we take you through Spencer's entire career journey including the highs and lows, and learning lessons along the way.