Feeling like your career isn’t advancing the way it should? It’ll be okay. Everyone we’ve interviewed has felt what you’re feeling. Even Fortune 500 CEOs. Don’t believe me? Only one way to find out: Tune in! This podcast is for the go-getters, the ambitious, the confident. (This podcast is for you especially if you’re in sales or marketing).
Woods Coffee Founder & CEO: Wes Herman
Wes was born in Canada, grew up in Columbia, and lived in Southern California . He admits his dyslexia and ADHD growing up caused him to hate school and didn’t attend college after high school. After high school, Wes took the first job he was offered, which was a job making high-end cabinets in Los Angeles; a business that his neighbor owned. Listen in to this episode to learn about how a kid that grew up with a learning disorder and didn’t even go to college, started a highly successful coffee-chain in the Pacific Northwest: Woods Coffee. Stick around until the end to hear about what advice Wes has for his younger self, and what he wished he would have known as an young entrepreneur.